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Our team has developed an outstanding reputation for meeting or exceeding all customer expectations. We retain the solid majority in our market share because we continually monitor our progress and seek to improve our efficiency and efficacy. If you haven’t worked with us yet, you can expect us to deliver against our recruitment promise.

We have the necessary experience to understand our clients’ needs intuitively and offer comprehensive technical support day and night

We find the candidates best-suited to the specific requirements of each contract and ensure that they meet both client and government standards

We monitor and streamline the recruitment process for each candidate, handling the work visa application process and providing relocation assistance, pre-departure and arrival orientation, and counselling and support available until repatriation.

Understanding your needs
Sourcing for suitable candidates
Preliminary Interview with candidates
Selection and Evaluation by client
Medical Test & MOM processing
Arrival of candidate, orientation and 
opening of bank account
Commencing Work

Understanding your needs

Sourcing for suitable candidates

Preliminary Interview of candidates

Selection and Evaluation by client

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